Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the ongoing process of learning, developing, maintaining, improving or broadening your professional knowledge and skills in counseling field. It is a real demand for every counseling professional faces. The purpose of CPD is not only for license or certificate renewal, career development or to increase job opportunity, but also to enhance self professional competency counselors in order to be able to deal with diverse clients' cases. PERKAMA International makes it easy in our affordable, quality continuing education workshop available for you to take at your convenience. CPD workshops are conducted by experts in a variety of subject areas, professional counselors or those who are interested to learn the topic can register according to the workshop dates.

08-10 JULY 2019
Psychological First Aid For Helping Professionals: Workshop Series
3 dayS program | 6 cpd points3
- To impart knowledge of PFA, do’s and don’ts and guidelines for PFA providers
- To enhance PFA skills among PFA providers including basic helping skills, group skills, multicultural sensitivity skills and crisis response skills.
- To prepare mentally and physically for PFA providers before entering the site.
- To demonstrate the PFA management protocols and procedures.
- To provide a real experience of disaster simulation and PFA practical scenario.
- To design a comprehensive psychosocial activities for children, adults and elderly.
- To promote self-care for PFA providers.
- Introduction to PFA
- PFA Skills & Practice
- Preparedness of PFA Providers
- Simulation of Preparation of PFA
- Enter the Site & Site Management
- Provide PFA to Survivors
- Psychosocial Activities
- PFA Simulation
- Debriefing for PFA Providers
- Process & Reflection After PFA Service

25 june 2019
Emotional Intelligence Training Workshop Series for Helping Professionals
1 day program | 2 cpd points
- To create awareness among participants the importance of Emotional Intelligence for helping professionals.
- To train professional helpers to be more emotionally intelligence in terms of:
- Appraising, expressing and perceiving emotions
- Understanding emotion within self and others (clients)
- Utilizing emotional intelligence in making rational decisions during the helping process and assisting clients to make better judgment.
- Coping/Managing emotions of self and other (clients)
24 june 2019
Mental Health & Suicidal Prevention Series: Self-Harm is Not A Choice
1 day program | 2 cpd points
- To create awareness among participants the importance of mental health in life.
- To discuss the effects of self-harm on oneself and others.
- To explore better strategies to cope that are more healthy in dealing with life issues
- To educate participants on their roles to prevent suicide due to unhealthy coping such as self-harm behaviors.
- To help oneself or others build resilience in facing unpredictable life.
- Mental Health: Leading Healthy Life
- Suicidal Counseling and Prevention
- Coping with Life Difficulties: Self Harm is Not a Choice
- Building Resilience Individuals

24 june 2019
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) For The Management Of Mental Health Problems : Fundamental Workshop
1 day program | 2 cpd points
- To introduce CBT to counseling students, professional counselors, and practitioners who are interested to hone their CBT skills.
- To discuss some conditions, applications and efficacy of CBT.
- To explore the interaction between cognitions, behaviors, emotions, and biology in the development and maintenance of mental health problems.
- To conceptualize client’s mental health problems in cognitive-behavioral terms.
- To gain basic experience with Cognitive Behavioral Intervention methods.
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Overview
- The Core Cognitive Process: Connecting Emotions, Cognitions, and Behaviour
- Developing A Core Understanding of “The Self”
- Cognitive Conceptualization Based on Mental Health Cases
- Key Components of CBT Practice and Application