PERKAMA International views accreditation as a critical issue for the counseling profession, particularly as it pertains to professional practice in various settings. The basic purposes of accreditation are to encourage and aid counseling services in Malaysia to meet high professional standards, to inform the public about centers which are competent and reliable, and to foster communication among counseling services operating in a variety of settings. Accreditation serves as a powerful signal of consistency, credibility, and unity of counseling centers. It also becomes one of the benchmarks in measuring the quality of counseling centers based on the Accreditation Standards for Counseling Centers (ASCC) in Malaysia.

PERKAMA International is committed to furthering the visibility of the counseling profession and improving its quality to meet accreditation standards. The accredited counseling centers are responsible for demonstrating their professionalism and accountability in dealing with clients, as well as to ensure the quality of counseling services. They need to obey the practice standards that are deemed essential in a counseling center that provides high-quality services to clients.

To align with the accreditation process, a certificate of accreditation will be awarded to the counseling centers which have met the accreditation standards. The accreditation period is three years. The list of currently accredited counseling centers is as follows:

  • Employee Support Division, Human Resource Unit, Sarawak (Bahagian Sokongan Pekerja, Unit Sumber Manusia Negeri Sarawak)
  • Counseling Unit, Human Resource Management Division, Secretary Office of Johor State (Unit Kaunseling, Bahagian Pengurusan Sumber Manusia, Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Johor)
  • Selangor Counseling Center, Human Resource Management Division, Secretary Office of Selangor State (Pusat Kaunseling Selangor, Bahagian Pengurusan Sumber Manusia, Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Selangor).
  • Counseling Division, Universiti Putra Malaysia (Bahagian Kaunseling, Universiti Putra Malaysia).